Welcome to The Human Repair Shop
I turned 50 this year and reached a point where I couldn’t stand being fat, tired and full of aches and pains any more.
Many People can relate to this, I’m sure.
So I sought out solutions to my problems and found that all the solutions already existed. In fact they not only existed but have been around for years and have had hundreds of scientific studies showing wonderful results.
A lot of time honoured research has gone into near infra red gentle lasers and all the benefits they bring. They produce ATP in every cell in the body from brain to bone cells, pushing out free radicals and allowing natural healing to begin in any individual.
Electromagnetic treatments are also a tried and tested treatment. They kick start healing in joints and muscles increasing circulation and making muscles stronger. This research was pioneered by NASA originally. They used it to keep the astronauts healthy in space. On their return to earth they noticed that they had obtained a regrowth of bone and cartilage making it noteworthy for extra research and now we have access to all of this technology today.
Green low level lasers are winning awards in all sectors at the moment. They have an ability to target fat cells and bring about wonderful results in reducing the size of peoples problem areas. They don’t kill the fat cell but rather bring it back to health so it can be involved in aiding in a healthy metabolism again. We realise now that trying to kill or remove fat cells only causes us to deposit fat elsewhere.
So, then I put together the best of all of the above and “The Human Repair Shop” was born.
Thankfully all the machines are doing just as the manufacturers promised. In fact the more people I treat the more amazed I am at the wonderful results we are getting. I really do feel that this is the treatment of the future.